Journal of Trade, Economics and Finance (IJTEF)
Indexing: ProQuest, Crossref, Electronic Journals Library, EBSCO, etc.
ISSN: 2010-023X (Print)
Frequency: Bimonthly
DOI: 10.18178/IJTEF
Paper Template |
IJTEF Copyright
ICETD 2023
May 26-28, 2023|Taizhou, China
The 13th International Conference on Economics, Trade and DevelopmentWhat is ICETD? The 13th International Conference on Economics, Trade and Development (ICETD 2023) is a leading academic event that this year will take place on 26-28 May 2023 in Taizhou, China. Why should you join ICETD? Because this is a unique opportunity to network with the leading minds from around the world, receive feedback on your research, share your findings, and meet fellow academics. How can you join the international conference on economics, trade and development(ICETD)? There are so many ways to contribute. Join as an oral or a virtual presenter, submit your poster, get published in prestigious academic journals, or register as a regular participant. We can’t wait to see you at the event!
COVID-19 Notice
Due to the outbreak of the coronavirus, Online/Video Presentation are acceptable on the conference. Online presentation session will be arranged accordingly. Please contact the conference secretary for more information about Online/Video Presentation. Participants are required to wear face mask when attending the conference. And conference staff will check the body temperature and take other active action.
Journal Publications
If you submitted a full paper, your paper will be through two rounds of reviewing, including the a plagiarism check and a peer-to-peer review by the relevant professional of the conference committee. Generally, the whole review procedure will take 2-4 weeks (or more).
If your submission was accepted, we would like to send an official notification of acceptance to all authors, as well as the review report form. Please look out for your email from the conference secretary.
Submissions will be reviewed by the conference committees and accepted papers will be published in the following journals:
Journal of Economics, Business and Management (JOEBM)
Indexing Electronic Journals Library, Ulrich's
Periodicals Directory, MESLibrary, Google
Scholar, and Crossref.
ISSN: 2301-3567
DOI: 10.18178/JOEBM
Paper Template |
JOEBM Copyright
Call for Papers
The conference is seeking submissions related to the following conference topics: Economics, International Trade, Marketing and Banking & Finance. Other related topics will also be considered.

Applied Economics
Comparative Economics
Consumer Behavior
Consumer Credit
Corporate Finance & Governance
Corporate Social Responsibilities & Governance
Division of Labor
Economic Democracy
Economic Depressions

International Trade
Agricultural Trade
Antidumping Laws
Arms Trade
Free Trade
Tariffs and Trade
Silk Road
Trade Deficit
Trans-Pacific Partnership
World Trade History
Foreign Direct Investment
Foreign Exchange

Banking & Finance
Budget Deficit
Commercial Lending
Credit Risk
Crypto Currencies
Defense Spending
SME Finance
Development Banks
European Currency Unit
Federal Reserve System
Financial Accounting Standards
Improtant Dates
Submission Deadline
Please format your article as per the paper template and submit over before the submission deadline. The conference secretary will confirm with you by email.
April 10, 2023Notification Deadline
The acceptance notification letter will be sent to the emails indicated on the articles by notification deadline. Please wait patiently and look out for your email.
April 30, 2023Registration Deadline
Please send your final paper, copyright, registration form and payment proof to the conference secretary before the registration deadline.
May 07, 2023Guidelines
English is the official language of the conference; the
paper should be written and presented only in English.
Presentation & Publication (Full paper):
Full paper is requested, if you also consider publishing
your paper.
All submitted articles should report original,
previously unpublished research results, experimental or
theoretical. Articles submitted to the Conference should
not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference
and are subject to both review and editing. Authors
retain the right to publish an extended, significantly
updated version in another periodical.
Oral Presentation Only(Abstract):
If you just want to make an oral presentation during
ICETD 2023 without paper publication, then you can only
submit an abstract.
Please edit your paper with corresponding template. The
paper template will be considered as one of the review
parts. Please do pay attention to it.
Each paper should be at least 5 full pages, and
additional pages(>6) will be chargeable.
ONLINE Submission System
Submit now
Conference History